Forewarning, this is super long post about our labor and delivery, if you'd just like to see pictures of our angel, skip to the end :)
11.12.13 was both the most terrifying and best day of our lives. On this incredibly awesome date, at almost 14:15 in military time which would have been incredible (he actually arrived at 14:17) our beautiful (Mike prefers me to use "handsome") son, Connor, came into this world. He didn't exactly come in the manner we had hoped for, but he is our little miracle baby, and we are so incredibly blessed to have him in our lives.
It all started on Monday night, 11.11 when we went in to be induced, since this little stinker seemed perfectly content hanging out inside mommy! I wasn't dilated at all, so the plan was to receive some meds to start that process along at night, sleep and wake up and then have a such luck! I got my first dose of the medication at about 6:30, and by 8:30 pm, I was in full on labor, no additional meds needed...with intense contractions coming every 30 seconds to 3 minutes...all night long, but still not really dilating at all. The staff wanted me to get to 3 cm before they gave me an epidural...that didn't happen until 5:30 am the next morning. So 10ish hours of labor later, I received an epidural, heavenly!
From that point on, things were progressing great, with only some minor heart rate issues for our little dude when I was on my right side. Other than that we were on track to have a baby shortly after lunch! However, at about 1:00 pm, our Nurse ("Grandma Judy", our angel that day) discovered that something wasn't quite right with how our little one was positioned to come out. Our Doctor came over and discovered that our little one was coming out "brow presentation" and essentially he was stuck in my pelvis, unable to be delivered the normal way.
They promptly prepped us for what started as a non emergent c-section, and we were on our way. Both Mike and I were pretty emotional about this outcome, as we were really striving for a normal delivery, but we would do anything to have our baby in the world safely for both mom and baby. The team of doctors was working to push up my anesthesia levels through my existing epidural as we moved to the OR and they asked Mike to stay in the hallway as I was prepped and until right before they took the baby out. Therefore, we didn't really say goodbye or good luck to one another, because we assumed that we would see each other momentarily.
However, once we got into the OR, Connor's heart rate plummeted, and the last few things I remember was the group of doctors asking how many seconds until they could get in there and get him out. Unfortunately, the traditional c-section anesthesia drugs were not working fast enough, so they had to put me fully under...something that is still the hardest thing for me to grasp when thinking about that whole day. I NEVER imagined not being "present" for the birth of my child, but I know that God had a plan for us, and that there is a reason that I wasn't able to be conscious for this delivery. It was probably the safest option for both me and Connor in the end, but it does not make it easier. I had always dreamed of the first moments with my baby right after delivery, but I am so thankful that Mike was able to be there for Connor and for me, and I can't imagine what he went through during all of this.
When they did get Connor out, he was grey and not breathing. He remained not breathing until they intubated him and Mike heard his first cry 5 minutes after he was born. He says it was the best sound in the world. After that, Mike and Connor did all the new Parent and baby type things, he was measured, weighed cleaned off and Mike got some great cuddle time. He weighed in at a HEALTHY 8lbs. 12oz, 20.5 in long! He is our big little man :)
Mike and Connor were moved to the NICU as basically a holding place while I was scooted over to recovery. Because I had gone under general anesthesia, I was moved to the traditional surgery recovery room, not the c-section one we had seen on our tour. Therefore, I was expecting to wake up and see my husband and baby and breast feed in recovery, but instead I woke up with my nurse and another recovery nurse. Nurse Judy pulled some strings, and got them to allow Mike into recovery, with his camera. He proceeded to tell me (several times due to the grogginess) that we had a son, and showed me the millions of pictures he took during labor and delivery. He did such a great job of making me feel like I was there.
About an hour or so after that, I was finally able to meet my son, my everything. He is just so perfect, and despite some serious battle wounds from where he was stuck in me, I still think he is the most perfect human on the planet. We are so in love, and it is still so hard for me to believe that he actually came from me and Mike. We are so blessed to have him, and I thank God for the blessing that he is, and the joy he brings to our family!
These first two weeks have flown by, and I can't believe how much he has changed already! We have loved every moment, despite being quite tired, spent with our little man! He is everything we ever dreamed of, and more!
Happy two weeks Connor Mac Harper!
Love, Mom
Connor weighing in at 8 lbs. 12oz, with some swelling and bruises right after delivery. |
Dad and Connor right after delivery. |
Mom and Connor on day one was a little rough for me, pictures I'd rather not share :) |
Proud Grandma McQuillan |
Proud Grandpa McQuillan, can't wait to teach him how to skate and hopes desparately he "shoots left" |
Grandma Wanda with the first Harper Grandkid! |
Grandpa Jim and likes to talk it over with Connor! |
Connor was quite a celebrity for his unique 11.12.13 birthday, Fairview Southdale used him in their social media posts that day! |
Heading home from the hospital! |
Meeting big sister Piper, she has been great! |
First sponge bath...wasn't quite sure what to think! |
He's super alert for a newborn. |
His first big boy outfit on his one week birthday! |
Starting to show us his smiles, and maybe some dimples like mom?? Mostly he just looks like his daddy!! |
Cousins are the best! Kensley, Mason and Emma are excited to have a cousin on the McQ side! |
Thanks for sharing your birth story. We didn't know all of the scary parts. We did think about how emotional all of it was especially being put out so quickly .(Way to put Grandma in tears as I read your story.) Good job, Michael, getting all of those pictures for Katie during delivery. That was a lot to handle for both of you but look at this special little boy you brought into the world! Awesome work you two!