Number 11: New Buying Job at Target
Number 10: Deck Building
I would put finishing the deck...but we're almost there! Mike, his dad Jim, and a few very good friends dedicated many weekends to getting our deck put together...and almost finishing it! Looking forward to enjoying many nights grilling out, and enjoying a glass of wine while reading a book out there!
Number 9: Meeting the Neighbors
We feel so lucky that we were able to meet so many of our amazing neighbors this year! We are so lucky that we moved into a neighborhood with couples that are near in age, and so nice! We have enjoyed many progressive dinners, a cookie exchange, and even a Christmas Bar Crawl and a "short bus" ride back south of the river with these great people!
Number 8: Renting out Mike's house in Owatonna
We put Mike's house in Owatonna on the market in January of this year, and after several months and only 4 total showings, we decided it was probably time to try a new strategy. We listed it on Owatonna Rentals, and had 3 showings and one official renter in 4 days! It has been great being landlords and being able to save some money!
Number 7: Trips to Baltimore and Philly
We were lucky enough to be able to travel to the east coast a few times this year. First to visit Frankie while he was training in Baltimore for the Secret Service. We were also lucky to be able to travel up to Philadelphia while we were the to visit our friends Stacy and Zach who moved out there for work last year. We went out again to move Frankie home, and made it safely, although we ended up driving through the storm of the century! You may remember hearing about this super snow storm that covered almost 26 states...we drove through 10 of them! :)
Finally, we went back one more time this October for a friends wedding in downtown Baltimore, and got to see a bunch of friends from ISU! We also roped in one more trip up to Philly to see Stacy and Zach, and this time a few more of my EP high schools and their husbands/fiances joined us. It was a great time altogether!
Number 6: Bowling and Softball Champs!
This year we again were the champs of the Sunday night Mixed Bowling League at Tuttle's in Hopkins. We bowl with our friends Amy and Dave, and have been lucky enough to somehow manage to win this thing a few times...despite by 115 average! This year we also recriuted some more friends to join teams, and are loving being able to get together more often with everyone! We also joined a softball team this summer, and somehow managed to win the regular season in that as well...before we got our butts kicked in the playoffs! We're both looking forward to the season next summer!
Number 5: Piper Turned 1!
And settled down...yeah right! She is just as much a puppy as ever, but she brings unending joy to our lives...see earlier post! :)
Number 4: We celebrated our 1st married Christmas together
We started out the season by doing some holiday baking. We made my Grandma Glasses sugar cookies in her honor. This was our first Christmas without grandma, as she passed away in February. We had some extra yellow icing, so we turned these little men into Cyclones!
We celebrated the Harper Christmas Ugly Sweater style! We had a nice lunch and gift opening, followed by a party bus with the Farmington people to the roller derby for a few birthdays! It was a great time all around! We did the extended family with a trip to Wisconsin to visits Mike's Grandpa and Grandma Eng. We had a great time visiting with them and showing them our wedding videos!
We did the McQuillan side in a few waves. We got to do both extended sides this year, which was great since we missed both last year! We celebrated with the McQuillan side the weekend before Christmas and did the glasses on Christmas Eve! We had some great food at both places! We did the McQuillan immediate family Christmas Eve night at 10pm mass and then brunch Christmas day. Lots of games and good times all around! Mike and I love being an Aunt and Uncle SO much!
Number 3: Trip to London/Ireland
We travelled to London and Ireland in August of this year to meet my little brother Joe after his study abroad experience in Scotland. It was the most memorable trip I've ever gone on, and also ranks on the top of my list of the most beautiful places I've ever been (Galway, Ireland).
Number 2: We became Godparents!
On March 10th, 2011, our nephew Mason Francis McQuillan was born. He is the cutest, sweetest, and most well behaved baby I have ever met...we are totally in love!
Number 1: We got Married!
Best Year EVER!
Aww... I love your blog!! Thanks for the highlights from this year and I can't wait for more neighbor bonding... on your finished deck :)