Sunday, April 20, 2014

Spring has Sprung!

Spring has FINALLY arrived to Minnesota! It was a long and COLD winter! And while I was spoiled and got to spend a lot of it cuddling with my little baby inside on maternity leave, we were all ready to get outside and show Connor that we do go outside while in Minnesota!

The last couple of months have been an adjustment for all of us, but we are all getting into the swing of things! I went back to work, and it has been really good. The first week was hard, and I definitely shed some tears, but things have gotten much better and we've found our new groove! Connor loves going to daycare every day to play with his friends and teachers, and we absolutely love where he is at. I am so busy at work and love coming home to my boys every night and hanging out with them all weekend!

Our Happy Boy in the bouncer at daycare!
We have kept busy this spring with some fun trips and lots of time with family and friends! We took Connor's first road trip to Des Moines to meet his friend Betts Brandt, born 8 weeks after our little man! It was love at first sight! We have been down there twice, and got to meet his buddy Cooper Hitsman, 17 months older than Connor, on the second trip down! Our little man is not exactly "great" in the car, but he's not bad either, he just isn't one of those babies that sleeps as soon as you hit the road! I'm pretty good entertainment though in the back seat!

We also took his first plane ride and trip to the ocean! We decided to go to Florida in early March. With the weather being so cold, we had to get out of here to stay sane! My mom and brother Joe decided to join us, and it was a great time!

We also celebrated my favorite holiday in March, Saint Patrick's day! Connor celebrated his Irish heritage, and his middle name ("Mac" after my maiden name McQuillan)! He was our little McBaby! He also got to meet his Great Grandma Mac at Plum's! The McQuillans carried on the tradition of meeting up here to celebrate!

We have loved watching him grow and develop so much this spring! He is rolling all over, bouncing in his entertainer, blowing bubbles and trying to whistle and giggling up a storm! He is so fun to watch and play with!! He really get's a kick out of watching toddlers play with balloons and balls!

Finally, this past weekend we celebrated Connor's first Easter. We are so blessed to have Connor in our life, and we are continue to thank God for the precious gift he has given us in Connor. This Easter meant more to us than ever before, having our little man! We were lucky to be able to celebrate with lots of family, including my family on Friday night, and both sides of Mike's extended family in Wisconsin this weekend. Connor also got to meet another set of Great Grandparents, Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Eng. It was a special time, and we were lucky to catch these sweet moments on camera!

When we got home, we got to enjoy this beautiful 75 degree and sunny Minnesota evening with our little man! He got his Easter basket filled with treats (rice cereal :) ) and walk over to our neighbors. We ended with dinner and a drink on the deck with uncle Joe (the DOGfather to Piper while we are out of town) and a beautiful sunset!

As I sit here typing this I am again overcome with what a blessed life we have, and I'm so thankful for family, friends, and my boys (and Piper)! Happy Easter to everyone!

So this hat ended up looking like the Pharrell Hat...whoops!